"So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed."
John 8:36
We can live in a free country and still be enslaved. Perhaps not politically, but certainly spiritually. Many people are enslaved to sin and its consequences, and don't even realize it. Our culture has become so desensitized to the word "sin", and so much of what the Bible calls sin has become acceptable to our populace, that we pretty much go through this life thinking we're all okay. And in that thinking we have lost more freedom than we can possibly comprehend. But here's the amazing thing: "While we were yet sinners Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8). See, Christ doesn't wait until we realize we're sinners to save us. He already did it. That's why He came to earth. That's why He died and rose again. To conquer sin and death and set us free. But we need to recognize that we are enslaved and admit to Christ that we need the freedom only He can give. He is the Key that unlocks the chains that bind us. Once we receive Him as our Savior we will be free indeed. Until then we're hopelessly enslaved.