Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Otherness of God

"You thought that I was just like you;"
Psalm 50:21

In Psalm 50 God rebukes those who are hostile to Him: You thought I was just like you. Can you grasp the enormity of this statement? Put it in the negative and God is saying, "I am nothing like you." God is unique. Holy, majestic, supreme in every way. TV shows like Southpark make fun of God and dumb Him down. How sad. God is not mocked. Those who laugh at Him and think "He is just like us" will one day be confronted with their error and weep (Galatians 6:7-8). In his book Facedown, Matt Redman writes of the "otherness" of God and how it relates to true worship. "For worship to be worship," Redman says, "it must contain something of the otherness of God." Do you have a sense of the otherness of God? Are you in awe of HIm? In wonder of Him? If so, then you are a true worshipper. 

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